so you wanna learn leet, huh? well, lucky you!

lets start off simple.

lets change the letter "E" to a "3"

sp3aking would look lik3 this!!!

now, lets change ALL the vowels into numbers/symbols!

"A" is "4", "I" is "1", "O" is "0" (zero) and "U" can either be not replaced, or like "(_)". "Y" is not in this list

wr1t1ng w0uld l00k l1k3 th1s!!!

lets get a bit more extreme

lets add the letters "T, S, L, and H"

"H" is "#", "T" is "7", and "S" is "$".

now things are gonna get a bit confusing, but "L" is ALSO "1"!

its easy to figure out which is L and I, its not gonna be "Lts" nor will it be "Iiteral". just use common sense!

wr171ng 1n 1337 1$ $0 muc# fun!